Ballet I
Class Description
Ballet classes include 1-2 instructions to best meet the needs of our students. Students are introduced to ballet techniques at the barre, center floor, and across the floor. Students learn 1 routine in ballet.
Class communication takes place in the BAND app.
Ages: 6-8 years
Click here to see Fee Rates.
Students in this class will need a class leotard $28, ballet skirt $16, pink tights $8 and ballet slippers ($15-$22 depending on style). A $5-$10 hair accessory will be added for performances.
Students have the opportunity to perform at 1-2 showcases, 1 recital, other optional events as presented to us such as assisted living centers or community events.
Ballet II
Class Description
Ballet classes include 1-2 instructions to best meet the needs of our students. Students are introduced to ballet techniques at the barre, center floor, and across the floor. Students learn 1 routine in ballet.
Class communication takes place in the BAND app.
Ages: 8-10 years
Click here to see Fee Rates.
Students in this class will need a class leotard $26-$28, ballet skirt $16-$18, pink tights $8 and ballet slippers $15-$22 depending on style. A $5-$10 hair accessory will be added for performances.
Students have the opportunity to perform at 1-2 showcases, 1 recital, other optional events as presented to us such as assisted living centers or community events.
Ballet III
Class Description
Ballet classes include 1-2 instructions to best meet the needs of our students. Students are introduced to ballet techniques at the barre, center floor, and across the floor. Students learn 1 routine in ballet.
Class communication takes place in the BAND app.
Ages: 9-11 years
Click here to see Fee Rates.
Students in this class will need a class leotard $26-$28, ballet skirt $20-$22, pink tights $8 and ballet slippers $15-$22 depending on style. A $5-$10 hair accessory will be added for performances.
Students have the opportunity to perform at 1-2 showcases, 1 recital, other optional events as presented to us such as assisted living centers or community events.

Janell Fullmer
Assistant Director, Competitive & Recreational Coach
Ballet Coach
Ballet CoachClass Terminology
- Demi Plie – Half bend of the knee
- Tendu – To stretch the foot
- Degage – To disengage (sustaining pointed foot off of the ground)
- Rond de jame – Round the leg, circular movement of the leg either on the ground or in the air
- Eleve – To rise, to elevate
- Releve – To rise from plie
- Passe – A movement in which the foot of the working leg passes or touches the knee of the supporting leg in turn out or parallel positions.
- Aerabesque – Body position, in profile, supported on one leg
- Pique- Executed by stepping directly on the point or demi-pointe of the working foot in any desired direction or position with the other foot raised in the air (to prick/pricked).
- Sousus – A tight fifth position in releve (under-over).
- Saute – A jump off both feet, landing with the feet in the same position. Jumping or landing on the same foot.
- Jete, petit – A small spring from one foot to the other foot using a brushing motion.
- Glissade – A traveling step executed by gliding the working foot from the fifth position in the required direction, the other foot closing to it.
- Pas de chat – Large cat’s step. Performed from fifth to the fifth position, landing almost simultaneously.
- Chasse – Meaning to chase. Plie and slide the working leg away from the supporting leg, touch the supporting leg behind the working leg, land on the original supporting leg.
- Soutenu – A turn from sousus, turning towards back leg one revolution, the other foot ending in front.
- Sissone – Jump from both feet on to one foot.
(This is basic coverage, more class terminology and skills are added as the class progresses.)